Sunday 29 May 2011

sometimes i just can’t make up my mind

sometimes i just can’t make up my mind. Which is it that i really am sure of? . I dont believe in love, long lasting relationships, commitments and try my best to escape; avoid all those kinds of feelings. If i were to choose, i guess fling over commitment. But sometimes, most of the time, i want all those y’know? Maybe i secretly do want all those feelings, maybe i want commitment? Maybe, i do have a little pinch of hope in love.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Good Day is Good.

Today is a good day! No drama, dilemma and no controversy! It’s a smooth and fun day today and i’m very content. No rants today! X) There was a Teachers Day Performance Audition today and my class decided to bail on it. Believe me, we weren't prepared. :S Me and Rishah was planning to do a Freestyle Teachers’ Day rap, but we bailed because we are too cool to perform. LOL
Hmm, and.... today i brought my novel entitled ‘The Trouble  with Valentines’ by Rachel Gibson from The Little Black Dress (and knowing it’s from Little Black Dress, there were a lot of Sexual Scenes in it. hee hee)  and my classmates got really excited bout it (NOOBS, lol) everyone wanted to read it (only the sex scenes) and no one wanted to let it go. It’s such a funny sight. In the end of the day,  Shamir grabbed the book and everyone sat in a big circle and before i knew it, we were having a story telling moment, read by Shamir. For a moment there, we all bonded together, silently like little innocent children listening to a campfire story. WOW. It was fun and so memorable :) What a day~

Monday 23 May 2011

Late night studying

It’s 11:11 PM! Make a wish! :D
Anyways, it’s late. Definitely past my Bedtime. Funny, I’m not sleepy yet, usually i’d hit the hay before it reaches 10PM. Maybe because i had a ‘nap’ earlier in the afternoon. Hmm, since I’m not sleepy, i might as well study something.. Science or Math.. I’d go for Science! I’m not a huge fan of math, i hate numbers that seems endless... D:
My mom gave me a ‘light’ lecture on how i don’t study enough and that I’m not focused on my studies as much as i am on my activities (Art, school project, etc) She’s right though, i hate studying mainly because I’m more of a physically active person. I’d rather do sports. But i like reading~ :3 Good Books will get my attention, i don’t like studying as much as i like reading. Hmm, does that make any sense?
Well, i’d better go hit the books and study now! 
Have a good night~

Saturday 21 May 2011


Friend: ‘Why did the chicken cross the road?’

Me: ‘Why?’
Friend:’Because it wanted to get to the other side’

Why is it that i laugh at the lamest, or unfunny jokes? and i would be all like “You think that’s funny” on really funny brain cracking and stomach aching jokes. I find it weird. WHY DO I LAUGH AT AWKWARD LAME JOKES? Why can’t i or why do i rarely laugh at those really funny stomach bursting jokes like everyone else does?
Oh god, i have a weird sense of humor.

On the bright side, for those who has lame, weird awkward puns or jokes up their sleeves, share it with me, i would laugh at it like nobody’s business.


Thursday 5 May 2011


All the time. All the freaking time. I have so much to say, so much. To rant out, to express to share, i can never put anything to words. Honestly, i’m not good with words. That feeling where you just need to cry out, yell, ask for that little peak of attention, but you can’t, because what or how you feel inside has never actually found a way out through words, explanations. And That, just clashes my pride, that, is what i call my weakness.