Sunday 26 February 2012

Hi guys, you see this person up here? Yeah, we made a promise to marry each other if we're both unwanted, single and 40 years old. Oh god what have i got myself into? X)

Saturday 25 February 2012


Hey ~ It's been a month hasn't it? Well, a lot has happened during the past month. When i say alot, i mean, just alot. I'll get to that later, i just want to let out... that two-three days ago, i realized that i think i've developed feelings for this one guy. I wasn't too sure about how i felt, but i'm just assuming i like him. Being the typical Nia that i am, i would just naturally tell him right? Well i told him today~ Of course he said he doesnt feel the same way, which i am totally fine with, because you see, i havent developed real serious feelings for him. So i gave myself a pat on the back for being really brave about how i felt. I wasn't too disappointed about it, so alls good :) Even if he did like me back, it's not that i want a relationship. Mainly because i'm not a relationship person to begin with anyways. So yeah, thats it. Till next time~